Hey, Hi, and Hello!

Welcome to my corner of the internet :) This is where I collect everything I do - from music to art to coding and more. Use the top navbar to get around - go check out more about me and what I do, or simply peruse my links and freeware hoard. Let me know if there's anything out of place, misaligned, or just plain broken! This site is my passion project on the side of my full time factory job, so I'm a bit slow on fixes and updates, BUT I DO SEE THEM!

Use the sidebars to check out other places I am, as well as some of my friends and faves in the digital landscape.

Link Listings

If you wanna see my link hoard, click here! I've taken the time to lovingly curate this list for accessibility - if any of the links break or seem unsafe at a later time, please let me know through my Tumblr or email me at cryptidizecommissions @ gmail and I'll fix them right away!

Newest Video

Nothing Yet :]

To Do List:
  • Finish adding marquee to Spacehey and site. Add flashing warning to my Profile page once it's added.
  • Put my gifypet somewhere! Probably onto the eventual games page...
  • Decide on brand colors if I even want them.
  • Finish Digital Literacy Crash Course
  • Consider recording video intro-ing my site, what's available, my favorites of the list, and a little about myself.
  • Add a spot for recommended watching/reading? For videos and articles and art that shape me. Unsure of how to make this in a way I don't hate.
  • Have someone review and proof-read digital literacy course.
  • Add readmore buttons for certain categories (like the changelog!)
Website Changelog:

7/2024: Added additional resources to Link Listing. Putting out feelers for new gaming listings!

4/2024: Adjusted verbiage on main page. Planning new pagedoll and header. Planning on logo and colors for the site! I haven't done graphic design for myself since I was in college :P Added disclaimers for certain links due to consistent prodding that they're viruses. They are not. :) GAMING HAS BEEN ADDED TO NAV BAR! :D Link Listings have been alphabetized and organized a little better. Fixing Spacehey digital literacy course formatting before I start working on it again.

3/2024: Moved all links to the Link Listings page and replaced sidebar with recommended listening playlist from YouTube until I can figure out a better Jukebox method. Added and removed some listings for accuracy. Moved chat feature to right side and added visitor counter. Couldn't update for a few months due to being fired from my job in January, but I definitely want to keep curating these links and this page ^_^

12/2023: Completed half of the Digital Literacy Crash Course, which has found a home on my Spacehey site.

10/2023: Updated links, forced Navbar to match on all pages, redirected Internet Guide to Link Listing (expecting higher traffic thru there), fleshed out VGen for commissions, made email for website questions/commissions, adjusting verbage on some pages. Added more links to Link Listing, added chatbox, added Follow This Neocities button on left-sidebar.

9/2023: Added colors(decide brand color later), cleaned up buttons and links, added header image, changed fonts so things are easier to read. Adjusted Manifesto and footer. Added art feed (being fleshed out currently) and connected Digital Literacy hub (Learn About the Web button). Link Listing fixed so ul doesn't fall under a random alignment. Blog link removed but I may add another spot where I put my blog feed, I just dunno where yet.

8/2023: Updated Front Page, added all Guide links, added changelog. Updated /profile with Manifesto/faves/About. Added and updated Links Listing with information on each sidebar item. Created personal draft of Digital Literacy Crash Course, which may end up needed a second site altogether.

7/2023: Created the site! Added Character Page, Front Page, setting up links and bio.